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J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine
Free S&H.Restore lost reserves.J.CROW’S®Lugol’s Iodine Solut...

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Published: 18 y
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Possible Solutions

I'm very sorry to hear this. This same thing has happened to my mother. It is the nature of MS. The body deteoriates during the progression of MS. My mother also struggles to form words and its very difficult for anyone to understand her. She has no muscle energy left in any part of her body and is completely dependent on others. Now shes been on a drip feed for 3 years

I am doing research to find a possible solution.

See my post earlier in this forum about '10 people cure and the list is growing' for references to people claiming to be symptom free after similar treatments.

The best I have found so far is a treatment that involves the following:

1) Do a hair mineral analysis test. Note: If no heavy metals show then they can be trapped in the body and not showing up so this isn't 100% proof test. The best is a urine DMSA challenge test. But you should NOT do this if the person has any metal fillings in because it can release more mercury throughout the body making it worse. The other tests would be bio-resonance feedback test SCIO or QXI or Hulda Clark synchrometer to detect poisons in the body. Though they are not proven by modern medical establishments so be open minded.

2) Removes all Amalgam fillings and root canals. This is the most expensive thing to do, but its probably the healthiest thing you can do for your body. see
and Andy Cutlers book Amalgam Illness.

3) 3 months after removal - do a DMSA urine challenge test to detect possible poisons in the body
4)chelate heavy metals out of the body with DMSA / ALA Andy Cutler protocol.
note: Aluminium can be chelated by using natural malic acid supplementation
5) Kills all possible parasites with ozone therapy/ Colloidal Silver / bio-resonance therapy, colonics etc
6) Re-nourishing the body with a strict nutrient dense diet. Look into Gerson diet.

I have yet to embark her on a program because I am still researching. I am happy to share and would love for someone else to go through a similar trial when I do put her on a very strict program. So please keep in touch.



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