The trouble talking, forming words, and not being able to get out what she wants to say sounds very normal for MS when someone is going through a flare up. Bronchitis can cause a heavy feeling in the chest area and make it difficult to breath but it may not have anything to do with the MS.
I don't know if you are a natural health seeking person yourself but I guess you can tell that her lifestyle is not one that promotes healing. Aspartame, antidepressants, Antibiotics , and even kitty's litter box can be hazardous to her health.
I can feel your words speak kindness and love for her. I'm the only one in my family who practices natural health and I'm the only one getting better and the only one that is not on any medications. It is hard to see your loved ones suffer. In my opinion, natural health is for people who are determined and focused on getting well. If someone does not want their life to change in order to heal, they will not make a good candidate for natural healing. I have never put so much time and effort into something as I have healing my MS but it has been an amazing journey. refreshed/48124