Re: Kathryn
Then why did you ASK...17975? If you don't really want opinions. DUH!!!!! :-/
It sounds like BOTH you and your mother have emotional problems...and I'm so sorry
for that.
And you say you don't have kids now...but when you do...they will love you? Don't
be so sure of that...because there's a lot of work and giving that goes into being
a good mom. It comes natural for many, but it doesn't seem like it would come that
natural for you. :-/ Sorry to say.
It takes 2 to tango...and 'one person' can't 'make' a war!
I'm out of this asked for opinions and I gave mine. But it's
obvious you're a pretty bitter person yourself. And you seem to love to dwell
on that fact and feed that bitterness.
When we really mature and become adults...and the age "number" doesn't do that...
we come to a fork in the road...I think you've taken the wrong road...and you'd
better bring your vehicle to a screeching halt...turn around and go back down
the other road. Life is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to short to waste even one
day on stupidity like bitterness and bickering. tootle loo