18 y
Re: Parasite Article, and 55213's suggestions
Searching, I find your posts intriguing, 55213.
Since strongyloides proliferate with herbal killing, and since we may have a variety of
parasite species, you are suggesting a 'purge' soon after taking a herbal dewormer.
Could you be more specific?
Could you describe the purge you suggest?
I apologize for not knowing if you already have, because I found your post on 'searching'.
I do have visible
parasites in skin that appear as a white encrustation, where a few at a time move slightly away from the group, and seem to grow, and 'hatch'. The torment is nearly unbearable at times as they make tiny tears in the skin.
They aren't removable by any means I know and have tried.
They do not 'migrate' any further than one inch, remaining in the same area, not outside of it.
I don't have a noticeable fever.
They may have lain dormant for decades and been 'stirred up' by a cayenne bath.
If you are able and willing to reply, please do so at the top of the
parasites forum.
Any info or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.