17 y
Your insecurity is showing
"I never heard even a "half-serious",
inexperienced Christian (whether from a different country or culture) say that
Christ was an Essene (follow the bloodline), nor can I imagine anyone with a
"respect for truth" AVOID actually saying anything constructive and be
so consistent simply posting VERSES alone and then saying "it's up to"
the other person to take it from there, or keep making short, blank statements
without qualifying those statements with REASONS and explanations instead of
You sure jump to irrational conclusions. It's the log issue
You call me "half serious?" I'm just as serious about my
Christian beliefs as anyone else on the planet. "Follow the
bloodline?" What an asinine statement. Jesus was the son of
god, not Joseph. There is no blood line! Besides,
bloodline has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not he was an Essene.
You post verses. I post verses. And now you are (again) judging
me for posting verses?
Your basic insecurity in your belief in self and your doctrine becomes
exposed more and more each time you post.