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Re: Did everyone miss Kebod's Post?
  Views: 4,019
Published: 18 y
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Re: Did everyone miss Kebod's Post?

Let's just say that there is nothing to be alarmed about by this particular bill, then why are they working so hard to pass it. Why were they being so secretive about it. I just don't think it is as harmless as some would have us believe. When you consider the CODEX agenda on the international scene and the fact that this bill's supporters were trying to slip it by without giving us notice in time to comment on its passage, then I am VERY suspicious.

Perhaps its purpose may simply be to lay a foundation for future bills that WILL successfully remove our freedom to choose alternative health care and products. That is how it usually works, a constant chipping away of our freedom to choose.

It's a little like a game of chess. Perhaps this move or bill may seem non-threatening, but we have to look ahead at their possible future moves (bills) and block this move (bill) in order to block their ability to achieve a checkmate. At that point it will all be over and we will have lost.

Personally, my inner alarm system is clanging loud and long. If I err then I choose to err on the side of doing all I can to prevent this bill from passing. The only alternative is to feel secure, do nothing, and risk the loss of another freedom. History is replete with examples of people being lulled into a false sense of security.

Please think about it.


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