Re: FDA Guidance info from Mercola -- Another take --
With all due respect,
Mercola is a Dr. is he not?
I have not read or read into the FDA jargon yet, but I am not ready to be placated by some pronouncement by a member of that club-- however removed from the mainstream-- before actually investigating what the watchdogs are barking about.
Any top professional lawyer charges that much.
He undoubtedly asked them to address the issue from the stance of a doctor's practice, and not of how that would be affecting you and me.
The watchdogs barking are a symptom disturbing the peace that we would like to naturally return to a normal peaceful state... do this without actually getting to the bottom of the whole issue can be half baked-- with us falling prey to simply following through the motions of a knee jerk of the return of the knee that first swung up-- and now returns in a reflex action.
Our reflexes are invaluable when alerted to danger. They are also capable of being predictably engineered around by advanced operatives. A decade ago I was about to open an anti-rape training course for girls and women and as preparation had to intensely study the art of war and the most advanced ways to stop such an attack. I had to study and understand the most advanced shortcut moves used by the top special forces of the superpowers. These are moves that are either outlawed in any fight, or done with such quick and direct surprise that if there is a response on the part of the attacker-- it is an automatic knee-jerk response that they have no control over-- and yet which sets them up for your next equally controlling move:
If the moderator would permit an o/t final statement-- I'll offer what every father should teach his daughters to prevent rape, and save their lives. It can simply work with very little instruction/practice/training, and work every time on most any size attacker:
If attacker is surprise-struck below the heart-- they instinctively double over forward-- If an attacker is surprise-struck above-- they tend to bend backward and blink.
Q: The great equalizer is what?
A: The element of surprise.
Q: The best weapon ?
A: The brain/mind/instinct/conscience's ability to not be surprised and defeated so.
Q: the second best weapon ?
A: What is known as the equivalent of taking a bowling ball at 10+ mph to the nose of an assailant: The surprise headbutt to the nose by even a 12 year old girl can instantly break a man's nose-- and if done a few times in rapid succession, he will not be able to see and breathing will be impaired followed by a state of shock. The nose and eyes are no match for a bowling ball at 10 mph-- but it must be completely by a jerk-like surprise-- and repeated wildly till free.
No amount of any fancy martial arts training or kicks can really allow such instant and complete control over the situation to then be able to run free.
If you ever even 'see' a gun or knife in someone's hand-- do not get into freezing or complying, just do what animals instinctively do without fail every time when they sense danger of any kind-- they start putting distance away from the danger without delay-- and run like hell. If someone has a gun they will not shoot you because the sound would draw attention to them and statistics have shown that very few with guns can hit a moving target anyway. If someone approaches to ask you for something-- either pretend to be on your cellphone and walk away-- or start instantly jogging to the nearest safe point saying "I'm late" or "shit-- I forgot something".