Used to think you guys were nuts! Anyone PERMANTLY fix this problem?!
This will probably be long but will have 2 parts.
#1 My story
#2 I want to know if anyone has actually PERMANTLY fixed this problem?
My Story: 11 years ago I came down with non-hodgkins lymphoma. Did chemo and radiation successfully with no recurrance since. Yay! However right after finishing treatments a friend/coworker and I were "celebrating" so to speak. At this point my immune system was pulverized from my cancer treatments. After having sex with this friend 2 things I noticed right away. A flakey scaley thing at the tip of my penis and loose stool. This is important because I want to stress.... One day everything was perfect and the next after having sex with her bam...loose stool(very loose) but not diahrea and that flakey spot on my penis. Went to the doctor and she (yes had a female doctor) and perscribed clotrimazole cream for the scaley flakey and nothing for the stool. Wouldn't even do a single test. I demanded she give me an STD test. She wouldn't. I had to go to planned parenthood just to get the STD tests. Everything came back negative. I'm 20 years old at this point by the way. So I'm relieved everything was negative but redid the test 6 months later just to be sure and again everthing was fine. Now about 3 weeks after the first wierd signs I started noticing something that looked like ringworm. So went back to the doctor and show her and once again the clotrimazole. But it never really worked. The ringworm looking things would only form on my extremities eg..legs mostly and sometimes on my arms. Never saw it on my stomach or back or face etc. Kept going back to doctors insisting that I had an infection of some kind. and AT LEAST DO A TEST! But not one single test was done (other than my anonymous std testing at planned parenthood). In fact at one point the doctor said that if I came back for this she would have me committed for evaluation. But I knew that my poo doesn't go literally one day from perfectly normal to loose and ringworm looking things forming without something being wrong. See where I am going with this. I have NEVER pulled all the pieces together until now. I did a search on skin fungus and after about 3 hours of clicking I started seeing more and more about this runaway yeast (fungus). Makes sense. Girl I had sex with had yeast infection...I had severely weakend immune system from just finishing cancer treatments that explains flakey thing on penis and loose stool and the ringworm looking things and everyone knows ringworm is a fungus. So I have lived with this for 10 years now feeling dirty and diseased (because any girlfriend I would have sex with...guess what...yup yeast infection) with no hope because no doctor would even listen to me or even give ONE SINGLE test (it's like a seinfeld episode). That was long but it brings me to part #2!
So while clicking away on the internet I came across some supplements I should try. Some yeast killers some waltnut some biotin etc etc. I thought you people are freaking nuts's not that much and why not. But I really wanted to try an antifungal Rx like difulcan but thought hey...try these other things first. AND UNBELIEVABLY for the first time in 10 years!!!! My stool was almost normal! Formed, correct color, consitentcy and frequency! I could have cried! But it was not to last because after a while of taking this stuff I was feeling very sick. Couldn't keep taking it even though it was working. So here is my delema.
Have any of you ACTUALLY fixed this problem? Or are all of you just continuing this crap with no success. And do I just go to mexico and buy difulcan and put myself on a 6 month treatment of 200 mg / day just to be sure that this crap goes away? Cause if I have had this for this's probably in deep. what do I do? Any of you actually permantly fix this??