Hi Monk,
My husband and I have suffered with much of the same thing as far as infection. Now we are older and I was previously married with no vaginal infections ever. My husband having being single until 33, obviously sexual encounters along the way, and being a construction worker suffered off and on with what he thought was simple jock itch. After years now of being married, and both us suffering much with chronic infection, we honestly have not resolved the issue. I know, not very encouraging.
But to address your concern about how bad you felt when on natural supps. this is normal as you were having a die off period, and you will feel this even on prescription meds, and die off is a die off. Now the question is was it from yeast,
parasites or bacteria? Walnut though good for yeast also kills parasites, which most of us have and just are unaware of. One thing that is great to eliminate the yucky feeling is activated charcoal. The charcoal soaks up the toxin from any die off that your body might be experiencing, whether yeast,
parasites and in some cases bacteria. The liver will not be effected as it will if you go on Diflucan, and with out everything in balance, meaning the intestial flora, and of course the issue of reinfection, it could be an on going battle for along time just like us, and you are so young, my heart goes out to you. Been there, and still am,as is my husband. Often times for a man, having a constant infection may also eventually effect the prostate. Here in our states, prostate infection is hard to eradicate, but that is a whole different subject. Being you've had cancer treatments causing the immune system factor, you have some odds against you. One of the most important things over all as you absorb into your body the chemicals from prescription antifungals as already stated by other responder to your question, is the liver problems, be aware that long term antifungals, at least prescription antifungals also lower testosterone along with taking a tole on the liver, I have learned much of what I say from having a child with autism, that has many of our same issues also. There are many things you can do to support and offset the liver problems, one of them being the herb milk thistle. There are other strong herbal supports for your liver. This you can research on the internet to get more information concering this. So supporting the liver, eradicating yeast, parasites, and possible bacteria, supporting the intesinal flora and a good healthy diet, and think twice about your sexual life and the importance of protecting your self from re-infection, you might be able toget yourself on the road to recovery. I know your thinking, it has not happened for my husband and I yet, but with me there are other health issues, and with my husband a prostate issue that is difficult with traditional medicine as it is in the states to find a doctor that would try an alternative, we may continue to suffer long. Hopefully your won't suffer as long as some of us have.
Good luck, I wish you wellness, and health