Wombat/folks, Ricca Lugol's IS indeed USP!! + "a lesson learned"
(I offer the link above...for the umpteenth time).
(this is in the upper right of the MSDS linked to above)
This thread is a FANTASTIC learning/teaching, reality-smack-n-a-half kind of tool. We THOUGHT that we were out from under the grips of the brainwashed mindset of NOT believing everything that someone in a "position of authority" or that we 'thought was smarter' told us....and that we would NEVER be misled/duped again. We THOUGHT we'd cleansed ourselves from the "if a couple of people agree, then it MUST be true thinking" that has damaged our health & lives for decades.
But even though several people have KNOWN the true ratio/recipe of
Lugol's for months, and even though the evidence of the truth was right in front of them, one or two people 'said otherwise' and one or two people 'agreed'...and before you know it, people are cancelling orders and doubting the logic/truth that was right before their eyes.
How are we ever going to reach out and help those that are blind, with boards like this crammed in our OWN eyes? Really good food-for-thought, methinks
Onward & upward!!!