You Won't Believe This!!!
Hi: I am so happy to hear that others are having the same sensations as I have been having for over one year - and, more so in the recent 5 or 6 months.
Especially, like today - constant itching - constant jabbing or needle type pricking all over my body - today I was grocery shopping and for about one hour and more I was being sharply pricked like with a needle and also this sharp tingling which made me stop a million times to scratch my legs in public - it was awful - like you said, it felt like there were sharp objects in my pants and t shirt - it has gone on non-stop. The degree of sharpness and type of sting range from mild to severe, where I actually loudly say "ouch" - very loud, to just a million little stinging sensations from my feet to my shoulders, my arms..........god.
And, recently, over the last month or more something new has occured. I now have these horrible pains in my head (my scull - inside) the pain is difficult to describe - it is not like any pain you are familiar with but all I know is that even though it is a dull pain, and it travels from one side of my cranium to the other, for some reason it frightens me. I am also continually scratching my head like crazy for over a year - the tip of my nose to the point where I just come so close to just ripping it off .
OK - now I bet none of you on the entire
parasite forum ever had this happen.
For over a year now, and definitely to a much higher frequency in the last couple of months, I have these severely painful welts just suddenly show up on my arms, wrists, even one on my breast. They used to show up as lines that looked like someone had scratched me with a needle and the blood had crusted on the line. But when I took a scan of the areas and zoomed in on the picture, you could see that what appeared to be a line, like a long scratch, was actually a serious of puncture marks only visible by zooming in. This is really creepy.
At the moment I am feeling pin pricks, severe itching, jabbing as if with a sharp object and this is all over - my legs, my arms, my hips, now even on my neck.
OK guys - what's going on. I am taking some of MH's herbal
parasite cleanse and today ordered the cleanse from Humaworm.
I do have food grade hydrogen peroxide and have been putting it on full strenghth on the horrible, painful red welts but it is very drying to the skin. Just about an hour ago, I suddenly felt this sort of painful burning on my thumb on my right hand.
I looked at it and there seemed to be this redness with a circle in the midddle. As I watched three little lines started to appear - one over the other. They were faint in the beginning but as time went on they became more evident, more red and more raised.
I have also started taking the food grade H202 protocol of pure food grade HP in water three times a day.
Also, have had severe chest pains to the point where I thought I might have some disease with my lungs - I had xrays taken and nothing showed up. My joints and muscles are so bad I am almost a cripple, especially trying to get up after sitting down for some time.
OK - does any of this sound familiar to anyone here? It is really frightening - I feel as though my entire body is under assault and the freaking doctors are a total waste of time - they know NOTHING and could care less.
Alright - I think I have said enough - I will do what I can including a mild liver cleanse, my HP, my ozonated water and cleanse.
Any thoughts or advice is much appreciated.
Thanks you - be well.