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THANK YOU ALL for your replies!
The Wanted Views: 19,256
Published: 18 y
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THANK YOU ALL for your replies!

I think I mentioned that I had been doing pumpkin seeds (raw) plus cayenne capsules. Then just before this got a lot WORSE I started taking Kyolic (about 1/2-2/3 tsp.) 3x/day plus maybe 44 drops Black-Walnut /Wormwood extract 3x/day.

I definitely got that pinching feeling on my right hip -- actually felt more like the prick of a needle so much that I kept double-checking to make sure I didn't have something sharp caught in the material of my clothes. Over that spot I rubbed in some hydrogen peroxide (I don't have any food grade so only did it externally) and that seemed to stop it.

Last night was so scary. Heavy feeling on my chest, just hurts kind of like as if I had had a cough for 3 weeks and even though I have NOT had a cough hardly at all if I even cough once in a while (which I have started to do now) it hurts like hell as if I had been coughing for weeks. The spooky thing to me here is that I feel so much of this bad feeling right over my heart, which has me thinking I must have parasites in my heart (as well as everywhere else), but that's just creepy and scary and icky!!!

Thanks all for the advice so far and anything else you have to say I would appreciate it. Last night I really kind of panicked but calmed down after calling a friend and asking her to send me healing vibes and just talking and getting my mind off how I felt.

The bottle says not to take the Wormwood /black walnut mixture more than 10 days. Do you think this is true? I wonder why?



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