Re: Two years and still clear!
I was a heavy duty industrial strength colon cleanser for four years! My main arsenal included juice fasting (a lot) and professional
colonics (a lot). I finally attained my main goal, turning 50 with a clean pink colon.
I live in Mexico, so I am also a regular
parasite cleanup person (every six months). This is definitely a must prior to liver flushing, as the little beggars can take up residence there and there is no sense flushing a liver with live parasites...
Thence to the liver flush. All the above really made very little impact on my skin troubles, "adult acne" and "rosacea". Breakouts seemed to be connected to my monthly cycle, regular as clockwork...
I really didn't notice the problem getting any WORSE during my initial flushing program (5-6 flushes at 2 week intervals until I finally flushed The Big One), but neither did things improve. However, once I hit the mother lode the difference was instantaneous and dramatic. I have had NO problems since. Pretty durn amazing!