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Re: Two years and still clear!
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Re: Two years and still clear!

Tested for what?

Whatever it was that came out of my liver/gallbladder with the help of the Liver Flush brought about the complete cure of the skin ailments ("adult acne" and "rosacea") which had plagued me for many years.

Under these circumstances I cannot imagine the need to have anything tested, least of all by standard medical professionals who are going to be skeptical at best of such "kinky" procedures!

My partner, however, is another story. A year ago Carlos went into the hospital with acute pancreatitis, a life threatening situation apparently caused by a blockage of his bile ducts which backed and infected his pancreatic duct. Once the infection was brought under control his internal medicine doctor insisted the best course of action would be to remove his gallbladder! He had to eat a 100% fat free diet (not an easy one I can tell you). An ultrasound revealed 4mm "sand" (the only stones that show up in testing are those which have calcified--pure cholesterol stones like the ones I passed are invisible). We respectfully turned down the surgical option, choosing to take the acid which helps to dissolve calcified stones. After six months we began to flush his liver every two weeks. Several flushes later Carlos returned to eating normally, and has never had another twinge. We still do maintenance flushes. His ultrasound no longer indicates any calcified deposits.

Whether you choose to involve standard medical professionals in your health program is a very personal issue. As far as I am concerned, the less I need to do so, the happier camper I am! Prevention is my major focus, for me best planned and executed with the advice of my excellent naturopath.

Best to all,


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