"It is a case of proper diagnostics not bad drugs, just bad prescriptions."
This is a time, Corinthian, that I couldn't agree with you more! If he was indeed diagnosed with Depression then the clinician did not do a thorough job of diagnosing him. He had a long history of flat affect and inability to relate to people socially, which are considered 'negative' symptoms of schizophrenia. His more recent writings and stalking show an deterioration of his state of mind, and it is common that schizophrenia manifests in young adulthood. His previous hospitalization may have resulted from the development of 'positive' symptoms of schizophrenia, namely hallucinations and/or delusions, or at least an increased disorganization of his cognitive functioning. It is possible that the shooting sprees occured during his first psychotic break. Depression can occur along with schizophrenia, but clearly he was more than clinically depressed.