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Re: The Shooting
beenthere30 Views: 3,574
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 849,906

Re: The Shooting

Focus should be on the pharmaceuticals and not the weapons. Anyone with murder on their mind can use anything imaginable to kill someone. There is no real punishment in this country. Countries that do have gun control have some of the severest punishments in the world and it is for that reason, and that alone that their crime rate is so low. These horrible drugs need to be pulled from the market, period! I wonder how many other countries may have banned these drugs or never allowed them in the first place. I can't understand how any parent would allow their child to be on any of these drugs, or how any grown up would consent to taking any of these drugs after all the incidents like this that has happened. Several years ago the thought came to me how that the Lord gave out just so much intelligence and there seems to be none left. People are like sheep, can't think for themselves, don't care to find anything out, just listen to whatever they're told. Thank God there are still some that aren't like the lemmings. Is there anyway we can wake up the rest???????


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