Dig62 Thank you for seeing & understanding
You said:
"Since I haven't started Humaworm yet I have understandably been a bit apprehensive in reading all the recent posts about scattering.
On one hand, I think it's a bit unfair to say that these folks have decided to keep their worms as 'pets' or have elected to do 'nothing'. I get the distinct impression that they would simply rather live with the problem temporarily, rather than taking the chance of making things worse long-term. I honestly think they are just waiting for better answers to their particular situation before diving-in again. That's their perogative." [end quote]
Thank you for expressing this. I had the feeling that I had just better keep my mouth shut, but I see that you understand where I am coming from. Humaworm has not kept it a secret that those with good immune systems have less die problems than those who do not.
I thought I had good ideas for myself that I'd pass on, but I guess it wasn't seen that way.
Thank you for seeing that some folks want to improve their systems some before jumping in with both feet and eyes closed. I don't plan on keeping any of those parasites as friends. [rolls eyes] Though, I do plan on keeping my health through all that I do to improve it and restore it as it was intended to be.
Some folks go overboard, with disasterous results. I believe in slow and sure. Afterall, the turtle won the race with the hare.
Just-n-Merciful (are our bodies)