Re: Electrodine versus Iodoral
Iodoral (tablets made from
Lugol's Solution) is iodine/iodide that has been utilized by physician's healers since the late 1800's. It it was the physician's in The
Iodine Group used for all their patients (over 6,000), and Lugol's/Iodorol is what all of their research & results is based upon.
Electrodine (Electrodyne) and various 'detoxified' iodines, are attempts to copy psychic/healer Cayce's forumula for 'detoxifying'
Iodine (via electrical charge of some type) to make it more usable/accessible to the human body. Cayce's formula was purchased (by a pharmaceutical company decades ago) from the son of the man that formulated it, and is basically 'buried & lost' forever.
Is one "better" than the other? There's no research to show, only anecdotal testimonies. Apparently, many of those using Electrodine exhibit/claim less symptoms of detoxification (the symptoms caused by bromide, fluoride, chloride, mercury, cadmium lead & aluminum being dislodged from the tissues/organs...which is something that Iodoral/Lugol's has been solidly proven to do). To me this indicates that Electrodine is not doing everything that
Iodine should be doing...and that means that it might not have all the benefits that Iodoral/Lugol's has.
Those that swear by Electrodine seem very adamant that it's 'the bomb' for iodine supplementation. All I know is what I can find in print, and that there's no published research (that I can find) that shows that Electrodine has any superior qualities in the human body than
Lugol's or Iodoral.
Once I am Iodine Sufficient (I take
Lugol's solution), I will be purchasing some Electrodine to judge it's effects for myself so that I can have a more well-rounded opinion. But until a researcher does some side-by-side double-blind studies, "opinion" is all I fear we're ever going to have.