Re: What the ???????
Perhaps, you are not in need of much detoxing?
With a name like Mr Cleanse, and reading that you do body cleanses and are into healthy living, perhaps your health is already near peak?
I don't know, but I thought I would throw that in there.
I would bet that most of us who used OP and found results quickly (In my case quickly within 2 weeks)it's because we had a much lower threshold to cross to begin removing toxins.
I got sores in my mouth the first week, and I felt nausea and had tons of mucus coming out. I began putting a drop or two of peppermint oil into the mix, and either A) it was the peppermint oil or B) I worked through the negative effects "all of a sudden", but by week two and three, I was getting a good energy boost, pink tongue, pink/whitish gums, firm teeth.
I had a tooth abscess though, and OP did take away the pain, but not the infection.