Hi! I'm so happy to see your text. I recently discovered my amine and salicylate sensitivities could be the cause of my health issues - but it was hard for me to know what to do next. Where are you with your issues, now, if I may ask? Did you find a doctor that knew what they were doing? Did you do the guafenesin protocol? I would be very grateful for any sort of reccomendation you had. I ordered the salicylate cd and it's not only confusing (must be my brain fog) , but my printers broken! LOL. I"m sure that I'm sensitive to amines - but I"m going nuts trying to use the right products and know how to elimintate my sensitivites...I like to try to follow Hulda Clark protocols - and this has made that impossible! I am especially confused over what body products are safe and how to get better.