Nailed the problem
I have discovered the crux of the systemic problems are due to "achlorhydria" or low stomach acid. This can lead to chronic de-hydration which explains away 50% of symptoms. I have since resolved much of this problem [de-hydration] with water therapy.
It was the
nitrites tests of morning saliva which lead me to this elucidation.
With elevated PH throughout the bowels, it is an invitation to all sorts of problems with bacteria and
parasites not to mention candida yeast.
Since I have started taking pure lemon juice in an attempt to re-acidify the bowels, I have already eliminated anal itching which was due to yeast over-growth.
With acid production distrupted, this lead to a big problem with hormonal regulation and thus messing up the immune-system. This explains why there is a lack of immune-responses to
parasites ect.[likely mucosa SIgA deficiency].
Now I must figure out what causes what. I hope it is the bacteria, which I have determined is predominately e. coli {favours anaerobic environs} and possibly camylobacter [also displays low levels of peptidoglycan] These guys have bullied much of my lacto bacilli out of existence--even the yeast can't deal with them.
I would tell you about my "culture" experiments, but I think Apxer would would "have my head". Bottom line, don't try this at home kids!
I will now pester my doc to have all digestive associated hormone levels checked, with an emphasis on the pancrease. I hope this is not an "organ" related problem.
So there you have it! It took a lot of work, and I'm not through yet, but I hope things will be back to normal soon. Shroom