yeah, that is what I am looking for...when I date again ...someone supportive, yet doing his own thing! I believe there is a runners group, somewhere near me. I had looked it up when I was going to do it before. I will need to do another search when I get ready. I will be walking in Arizona this year (never been there before) in the 3 day Breast Cancer walk. It is 60 miles over 3 days. I did it in Chicago in 2005. The training I did for that, helped me release something like 15-20 pounds. Well, lol, that came back with a venegance when I began my Sugar kick, late 2005...a couple months after the walk. So, when it warms up, I will find the runners club but until then (think like 1st or middle of February) I will begin training for the walk!
It's funny because the friend I mentioned, she used to be (there were 3 including me) my go to b*tch about everything buddy. We fed off each other's moaning and groaning. Now that I choose not to do that, I can only spend a little time with her and the other one, she is (at least around me) not complaining so much either. This friend who still complains, is like, I need to find a way to do something different. A person suggests something and well, no I can not do that~!... for whatever reason. So, I limit my time with her. It is dwindling and even though I know it is good for me, because we work together sometimes I seem to hang on, more than what is good for me. LOL Did that even make sense?!
Ah well, glad you have some luxury this evening! Have a wonderful evening, Laura!