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Re: NEVER reached orgasm
mandypoo Views: 3,033
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 802,090

Re: NEVER reached orgasm

This has to be the BEST thing I've ever read about sex. I was married 6 years before I ever had an orgasm with my husband and every bit of it had to do with all the things you've mentioned. I'm so glad you shut down the lie that only women who are more masculine and have higher testosterone are more sexual. I was a VERY horny teenager but always felt like I had to hide my sexuality because I was taught that it was wrong and perverted and I am a very feminine woman. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Also, only recently am I learning what you talked about at the end of your note about learning to do things for yourself and being able to give a reason why...i.e. "I'm gonna eat this kind of food because I like it and I don't care if you think it's don't have to eat it." I always thought it would be having a bad attitude to feel that way but I'm realizing that it's just about appreciating oneself and not allowing others to make you feel bad about who you are.


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