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Re: playing with yourself, spanking the monkey actually boost the immune system
White Tiger Views: 4,421
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Re: playing with yourself, spanking the monkey actually boost the immune system

Facts about self-gratification
Posted at 14:34 on Oct 30, 2006 in . 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments

How many times per week should the average male spank the monkey in order to ensure proper sexual development? Is self-gratification a sign of desperation? Is it true that your testicles reduce in size if you spank the monkey a lot?

Everyone wants to know about self-gratification. Is it OK? Will it cause health problems? Am I the only one doing it? Here's your answer: self-gratification is totally normal, is not bad for you, and can actually have certain health benefits.

Don't believe the myths you may hear about blindness, hairy palms, desperation, insanity, etc. Think about it this way: Most people spank the monkey, and most of us are perfectly healthy. Once again, most people spank the monkey throughout their lives, single or not, male or female -- it's completely normal. Some people spank the monkey alone and some spank the monkey with a partner, which can be a useful way to see what your partner enjoys.

What about playing with yourself, spanking the monkey too much? Many people wonder if they spank the monkey too often. There is no specific answer to the question how much is too much. It's OK to spank the monkey as often or as little as you like so long as it doesn't interfere with the rest of your life.

Now, what about those health benefits we mentioned earlier? self-gratification can reduce stress, release sexual tension, help with menstrual cramps, help relax someone for sleeping, actually boost the immune system, release mood-elevating hormones, reduce the frequency of spontaneous erections for teenage boys, and reduce the number of unwanted wet dreams.

And the best part? self-gratification is a risk-free form of sex play. When playing with yourself, spanking the monkey alone, you are at no risk for pregnancy or STIs. self-gratification can also help you learn about your body and what you enjoy, which can help you communicate with your partner about what you want.


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