Re: concerned auntie, you are such a star....
Awww, thanks
Amalgams is a long story for me
had them all taken out
then i had to pull 4 molars that had
root canals out pulled as they were leaking infection back into my body
the dentist kept insisting to put a permanent bridge and I said I wanted a removeable
well, when i was unconscious he put in a permanent on the right side of my mouth against my wishes
i raised hell
because now there is metal permanently in my mouth when i just spent a fortune having all the metal taken out
all i got was a refund
and metal bridge is still on right side of my mouth
as i haven't had the funds to have it removed yet
they assured me it didn't contain mercury or any toxic metals but mind you this is the same jerk that put it in against my wishes.
so i dont believe most dentists, dr's, lawyers and some clergy LOL
so to make an even longer story short
yes, i suffered metal poisoning
I took 20g of chlorella, bio chelat and took tox away clay baths weekly for 8 mos
until I had about 4 urine tests come back negative
I still recheck myself and it's been about a year since doing all that and they still come back negative
then I read about not taking it with metal in my mouth
too late
but I seem to be metal free???
I check every 6 mos for metals and my ph
all seems to be well.