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just been diagnosed
wnddrrwmnn Views: 3,219
Published: 18 y

just been diagnosed

I haven't done a liver flush/cleanse as of yet. I hope to do one soon, but I want an objective test that isn't scewed due to the liver continuing to eject toxins.

I have just been diagnosed with fatty liver. Strangely enough I am a raw vegan 60-70% who quit smoking over 9 months ago, and doesn't drink. Not only have I been diagnosed with fatty liver, but high cholesterol, and diabetes which I have no symptoms besides gaining a huge amount of weight over the last two years.

cholest/hdl ration 5.13

I was recently ill and had an asthma attack and while there, since it's been over a year since I had my tests done, the doctor ordered tests. At that time, my blood pressure was also extremely elevated as well which normally isn't. 140/98. I blame the teas I was taking to clear my respiration as well as detox my body to allow it to heal. A week after the pressure was 140/88 and today it is normal again 117/76. I had asked a question on another forum in regards to whether or not detox teas would cause elevated levels for a liver test and I believe that that is very possible. When mentioning it it the doctor however, she states that a tea would not have that much of an effect as we are seeing in the numbers above. I have pressured her to allow me to take another enzyme test for liver as well as glucose however I want to make sure I'm waiting the appropriate about of time so as to get proper readings.

My question lies with anyone who has done a detox and/or a liver flush, how long it may take before levels may decrease? I have read that it does skew the tests by doing a cleanse.

Also a question for debate and to raise some mental support, but the doctor said the levels I have indicate that it's not just fatty liver, but more so the alcohol type and asked me if I drank. I told her no, as I do not except for maybe one half glass of wine on xmas with dinner. She then asked the question a second time and I answered her again. Then a third and a fourth as though she was trying to catch me in a lie or to admit that I was an alcoholic when I am not. Does anyone know if the numbers indicate another type of disease rather than the fatty liver? This doctor is the test taking type and is going to bankrupt me before I can get any treatment! And do you believe a good doctor will believe a patient when they ask a question or if it's their job to berate a patient til they are near tears?

Sorry this is so long, but I'm finding all this out today and am mentally stressed to no end with the barrage of information and not having answers.


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