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Re: My perspective on a few points.
wnddrrwmnn Views: 2,807
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 814,035

Re: My perspective on a few points.

Thank you all for your points! I'm going to take these into consideration and see what I can do naturally. I'm thinking about waiting perhaps the 3 months before taking another blood and urine test as I want to find out what my 3 month panel for blood shows once I've modified my diet a bit more. Eggs are pretty repulsive to me, but I maybe able to incorporate a few into the diet, or maybe some extra GABA seeds. I'm already oil pulling, but not with the recomended oil. I've always prefered grapeseed oil as it's not too thick and doesn't have a heavy taste. I wonder if that would make a difference? I've never heard of the that's something to look into.

Thank you thank you thank you all...I really appreciate the support and suggestions from you all! Any others are welcome as well. I believe nature holds the key for health if we only listen to it...I'd rather take care of things naturally rather than injuring the body with chemicals that are man made!


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