Today I'm depressed. I haven't been made fun of or anything like that, but I've finally got myself to the point that I am as isolated as humanly possible at all times, thus reducing the chance of being humiliated in my new classes, and anywhere else. And now I'm the weird guy. The creepy guy in the corner. I don't even know how to act around people anymore. I think back to the person I was 5 or 6 years ago and it doesn't even feel like me. It feels like someone else. The friends I had, the smiles I got, even the way girls looked at me doesn't even seem real. It's just a cruel dream, and my friends and family expect me to be the person I was, but I don't even know who that is anymore. I'm a walking, talking, stinking zombie. And that is depressing. I could use a little cheese with this wine.....