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I heartily agree Zoe
modegirl Views: 3,310
Published: 18 y
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I heartily agree Zoe

After I did it last time, quite a few people decided to do it themselves. most really concentrated on the weight loss - the ones who focused on cleansing are always the most successful. i am of the mind that how you do things determines the outcome, whether or not you complete the 10 days. if you are constantly thinking of the Cleanse as denial, you set yourself up to go off and binge (very few people are good at withholding). but if the use of lemonade to Cleanse, it's seen more as a positive path choice which means you are just doing what you are doing.

especially in this time of post holiday feasting, many just concentrate on the weight loss, but a few might find some other bits of self-knowledge in doing this. i know that the weight loss is never unwelcome and always a good incentive, but other accompanying parts of The Master Cleanse are always good to do as well.


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