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Re: it's getting trendy to do the Master Cleanse! NYTimes article

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Zoebess Views: 3,094
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 802,575

Re: it's getting trendy to do the Master Cleanse! NYTimes article

Yeah, probably less than half will complete
a Master Cleanse and say another 25% will
come back to it, and then maybe 1-10% will
use it as the powerful tool it is to make
serious lifestyle changes. It is not easy
but a worthy effort. Its like putting out a
classified looking for the one person who
wants what you have to offer. You may get
a hundred lookers but the one who needs it
enough to do what it takes to *get it* will
be worth the effort of putting the word out.

I think all in all, the article is like the
bait and many people *do* find additional
info at Curezone which helps improve their
lives. I remember first learning of the MC
about 10 years ago. I was not ready to even
consider downing a cayenne drink. It sounded
yuck to me. Then this much time later, I feel
like a Cayenne spokesperson. Another 6 months
and *I* will be writing articles and you can
trust that the emphasis will be stronger on
the flip side of the current trend. Time will
bring change, albeit slower than we would
prefer...still, change is coming. My own circle
of friends demonstrates the power of successful
MCing. People *are* wanting to take back control
of their health and as doctor charges mount,
the option of running to a doctor's office is
less appealing. Of course, to my own dismay,
I get to hear what I consider *poo talk* as
conversations bragging on the quality of a
friend's cleansing effort seems to frequent my
daily conversations. I feel silly, saying, wow,
thats great but on the other hand, see it as
progress and that support, even in my own little
world is important and that once people really
*get it* they get excited and come back to me
to ask, "what next?".

Life will never be perfect, but it will never
be boring either...ggg...

blessings & smiles,



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