Re: it's getting trendy to do the Master Cleanse! NYTimes article
Heh, heh...I would not characterize them as guerrillas,
but as you know, in a relationship, if one person changes,
usually the other person has to change some, even if they
do not want to. And of course, most of the suggestions
working really helps. It was breaking the cycle of doctor
visits that did it for the neighbors. Other friends and
family cannot be helped but catch some of my own enthusiasm
and passion for *taking the reins* and living instead of
waiting for life to *happen to me*.
Me, I have what we at the retreat center call the "food
police" to thank for my subtle shifts. My favorite return
to the questions, "are you really going to eat that" was
"I have no fear of food...", and I still feel that way but
there is an emphasis on natural remedies, herbs and such,
and juicing, and so, in spite of myself, I felt drawn to
taking the trend in my own direction and seeing where I
landed. I like feeling better sooooo much that it keeps me
going even further.
I am a writer albeit not driven. I do feel like I would like
to write and fill in the blanks that we see when we read a
story like the one the NY times writer wrote. So, seeds
now planted will come up in time and one day I will wake up
and it will just be a matter of writing it out...ggg.
I would like mo' info on copyright since you are an expert
there so drop a line to me sometime about that since it
is an area I have never worried about but perhaps now is
a good time to give it some thought.
Thanks for your encouragement though...I appreciate it :)
blessings & smiles,