Re: There is some resonance here
Yes I think I am feeling about that 5th relection of 6th dimension right now
And a few other less lofty thoughtS!
One of the things I am seeing over and over again is these "opinions", filters, biases we carry are the
grist of polarization
(hence the neutral mind- which if accessed allows one to become the observer)
And I am aware of how even a lovely opinion like the beauty and love of God can polarize
I Am not disagreeing but I Am seeing, much as you do Rudi, that when you speak of this phenomena to many you get
to a the simple truth of love
I will resist the temptation to compare
the realtionships here to the global polarization
But it seems as much as some men can come up with right now
Subject change:
There is nothing wrong with money,
but the scarafice of ethics and integrity
in the pursuit of- then there's something
wrong with the pursuer- not the money
While I enjoyed the love I Am now examining
the fallout from the unconditional love of friends
Thank God not family....
But there have been times of that also
All this is actually the root of self contemplation
I have a couple of interesting time travelers in my life
and They help me with some of my concepts
or putting language to the concept
So I am currently knowing the scribe I met in the eqyptian period of my travels
is the THoth- and this is the archetype of the mystical magick of transformation
And yes the Archetypical travel through the somos of consciousness can produce the joining of the Man at all levels- Love is regenerative, Forgivenss the access to love
Tranformation of the dense low vibrations to a higher vibrations so there is the possiblility of objectivity in an non-structured time/space
Thanks you guys- it was a nice read