Re: God Space
I use words to describe things that are fairly indescribable in my NDE but as I get a bit of description that fits from time to time I might change a word here or there to say things I know in my knower and your calling the illusion of time and death a veil makes perfect sense. It is like turning down the light.
The other thing you said about the "preprogrammed experience" is true only in timelessness it has already happened/will happen/is happpening... We can and do share little 3D clips of our pre-programmed experience with others even...they are our art work of a sort...We have friends in heaven with whom we share our lives with before we are ever born...We are not born in heaven...we are creations and as such are not just observers there but active participants in the lives we will choose while we are in a physical body. We contract with every spirit and soul we will come across under the veil as you say. I know I do not have all of the answers. I was just an observer of my NDE and there was no script... I am not making it up as I go along but there are little things from time to time that make things more understandable to my sense of truth. Thank you for lifting the veil for a moment and clarifying some vocabulary and descriptions that seem helpful for me personally. I have tried to write a book about my NDE several times. I think it will not out of me until I have satisfied myself that I have enough language to say what I experiences with enough clarity to publish it.
I can understand why religious folks use metaphors to describe the spiritual... It is easier to say with one word or a symbol than it is to describe something so enormous that it encompasses all of creation. Calling everything "one" is too simple a word in my estimation but "love" is another word I use frequently that is often very misunderstood. That word "love" is God but wraps within the word the very fiber of what this whole experience will be when time ends... If I pause in the middle of the show and say that darkness is real it is so only in that negative frame within the recorder...When the final show is washed in the solution of time and death...and rinsed off with love...time and death will be gone but love will stay as the permanent record of who we are in the final show that records the greatest love story ever told.