Cross pollination
between cm and other varieties will produce Genetically-Modified cross pollinated varieties.
It's that simple.
But do they know how safe this is? With Genetically-Modified they would cross pollinate with others than their kind? If so we really don't know what the end result could be? It seems like this could really get out of hand and if later dangers present themselves we would be powerless to go back and change it. Doesn't seem Like the final answer with these risks even if it does have its pros , It seems to have to many questions still not known to answer. It should be monitored, I wouldn't want us to do like we have with global warming and keep going in the same direction before we notice and realize its too late to change it or we can't fix the mess we've made. Some genetic tampering in the past has shown bad results, I think we are crazy for not monitoring this before it gets out of hand. Not monitoring it is the same to me as saying "Lets just have Genetically-Modified food." Thats a scary thought to me.