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Re: "Ghost Parasites" & Sinuses
apxr Views: 7,116
Published: 19 y
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Re: "Ghost Parasites" & Sinuses

Hi again.


By the way, from the way that it seems I'd say that Koch's postulates will have to be revisited soon; "amplified", in a sense; just my opinion.

That's a sound opinion, in my view. It does appear to be outdated, in "some" areas.

May be, maybe not.


I believe that Koch's process of thought was and still seems to be very thorough regarding pathogenesis. However, there may be an 'expansion' needed in the overall construct, which is why I THINK that the postulates themselves may NOT be outdated after all. I would say that it'd be a good idea to "reconsider" them carefully instead.


The combined sword and shield, could be seen as combination medication.

And, to reflect madness, back onto it's self, with a shield.

Implys; Using fire, to fight fire.

Ergo: Beneficial bacteria, to combat the damaging organisms ?

Their mortal enemy, but, of their own kind !

Sounds like a way to do things. It's been done before, you know, by many tribes in the past and some still. In a way, I may have done the same thing myself once or twice. Risky stuff -and I mean RISKY!-, but if and when it does work, it works wonders!

Old, tried and true method. But, as you say, very risky!!!

Some African tribes still smear cow dung, all over their's, and their whole familys bodys, every week/month or so, to apply the bacteria, and keep them free of some form of skin parasite, it seems to work.

It would seem to, yes.

But, I'm talking about applying, cutting edge Science, to that concept. To combat some of our bacterial, and other infections. Flooding ouy bodys with massive amounts of many different types of positive Pro bacteria, and whatever else is GOOD to have in our systems.

Yogurt anyone?

It "may" just be a numbers game ?

Yes, it MAY be. Personally, I'm observing that it may all be Math after all, as simple as that may appear to sound.


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