Sure. but that comes from the drone mentality that has been perpetrated on the public by the medical and big Pharma corporations who hawk all kinds of miracle cure drugs.
Just to give an example. You've seen all those infomercials on Lipitor. The miracle drug for reducing cholesterol. They're making focken millions!! To me it's just unbleivable. You wanna reduce cholesterol then quit eating all that processed crap and get some exercise. Can anything be more simple than that?? Yet the drug company is making a bazillion dollars from this crap. This obviouly point to that the vast majority of americans are zombie consumer drones looking for that quick fix miracle cure and now that its sorta hip to go "natural" the same mentality has carried over to the alternative health fields. Since the MC hit the celebrity gossip rags a few years we have been inundated by these same drone idiots looking for a miracle quick fix.
I was around the forum right after the first article about Howard Stearns side kick that did the MC after she had been suffering for years with some life threatening IBS like malady. David Blaine turned her on to the MC. She cured her IBS and in the process lost a buncha weight. Well the gossip rags did a story and all they talked about was the weightloss and barely mentioned the real reason she did it. Man a week after that article came out the forum was like a hen house with all this incesant cackling about weigth loss this and weight loss that and these ijits asking really stupid stuff like "can you eat pork rinds while doing the MC" Oi.
That whole article was written with the same idiot drone mentality of the MC being a miracle diet and it NEVER has been. I know you've seen me post the same goddam thing over and over about dieting requiering a lifestyle change and that there ain't no shortcuts or miracle cures. That applies to every single cleanse in Curezone. Anyone that thinks that they'll do any of these cleanses and go back to their old habits and be cured is an idiot drone. I was gonna say unfortunately thats the majority of folks on any alternative methods site but after you've been around a while you just see it as that just the way things are and that an extremely small number will get the reality of how things "actually work".