This morning I was examining my gums in a magnified mirror. I stopped doing this for awhile because I wasn't seeing anything major. So it's been about 2 months or so....
You guys....there is no doubt in my mind that I have been GROWING GUM TISSUE!! Sorry for screaming, but I'm a bit excited as you can imagine.
I've been watching two receding gums in particular. One on the bottom and one on the top. But the thing that struck me were the other two or three spots that weren't so bad. I now do not see any recession at all in those. And the two bad bad ones, definitely look better.
How long has I been doing this? Since February I think. So that's almost one year.
I have to tell you, I think it's been, at least for me, the walnut oil and the second pull with hemp in the evenings, which I'm not very consistent with. I took a break from oregano and tea tree oil for about 2 months, and recently started using them again.
Wow, I'm so happy.
Keep swishing god, this does work, it really really does!