Re: Ryger, we'll miss ya! but ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
I do think Ryger has a good point. It's not healthy to get mentally obsessed with parasites, or over-paranoid about food. I eat organic, but i'm not worried about
parasites because I just simply wash everything to begin with and cut off any rotted or bruised parts on the produce.
We're all bound to pick up some
parasite larvea no matter where you live or what you do- but when you take care of your immune system , clean out toxins from your body , make sure the digestive tract is in running order, and get upbeat nutrition and anti-oxidants you won't have to obsess if you might possibly have some worm egg in you. It will pass out of the body or die.
I do believe in doing Bi-annual
parasite cleanses (like during Spring and Fall Cleaning time) just for maintenance. Whatever happens in between that time is nothing a little garlic, ginger, oregano oil and healthy lifestyle won't control.
Oregano oil is a great thing to have almost daily-- just to prevent colds and flus-- but it also has the added benefit of killing
parasite larvea.
When you said, " but life is for living. What fun would it be to be 120 years old when all your friends and family are dead?"
Well, I don't completely agree. Not ALL of us WANT to live that long in this corrupted evil World where the Middle-Class is being killed off bit by bit.
I know that no matter what I do for my health- I will die when my Creator decides I will die. I just won't die prematurely, and I won't have to live my last 10-15 years in a nursing home with other people telling me what I can and cannot eat and have tubes stuck all over my body.