That was refreshing to read your post. I have become so boring this last 2 years trying to get well. I am improving but I look at the menu in restaurants and think 'oh no salad will have bugs' 'meat no can't have that too acidic'. I think what the f**k can I eat without it poisoning me. I even read a post about vergeatbles being sprayed with monosodium glutamate so go organic, but wait organic has to many bugs!! It seems there are so many schools of thought and just when you think you've cracked it, you read something bad about it. OK so japanese seem a pretty healthy race, not so much obesity like the west. they must do something right, but hang on sushi = raw fish = parasites. I can't help thinking that when I am better I will eat what I want and live life to the full. Yes all this helps and I too got rid of constipation, but life is for living. What fun would it be to be 120 years old when all your friends and family are dead? I will maintain some lessons forever, and incorporate herbs into the equation. You sound healthy to me, go and have fun and this site will always be here if u need it!