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Re: I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?
finallyfaith Views: 3,343
Published: 19 y
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Re: I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?

according to wiki

"The salinity of Great Salt Lake is highly variable, and depends on the lake's level; it ranges from 5 to 27%[4] (or 50-270 ppt). The ionic composition is similar to seawater, much more so than the Dead Sea's; compared to the ocean, Great Salt Lake's waters are slightly enriched in potassium, and depleted in calcium."

also from wiki

"The Dead Sea (Arabic: البحر الميت‎; Hebrew: ים המלח) is both the lowest point on the Earth at 418 metres (1,371 ft) below sea level and falling[2], and the deepest hypersaline lake in the world at 330 m (1,083 ft) deep and 799 m (2,621 ft) below sea level. It is also one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth with a salinity of about 30%."

the ocean varies from about 3.3 to 3.9%, depending on many things. but the average is 3.5%.


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