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I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?
finallyfaith Views: 4,507
Published: 19 y

I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?

okay, so someone's post yesterday got me asking what exactly is the salinity of the Water Cure recipe compared to the salinity of the ocean? ocean salinity is about 3.5%, give or take depending on conditions.

the Water Cure calls for 1/4 teaspoon of salt per quart of water. so you might think that .25 teaspoon per quart expressed as a percentage would give you the salinity of that solution, right? wrong!!

i discovered that salinity is based on WEIGHT, not VOLUME. and teaspoon and quarts are measurements of volume, and they must all be converted to weight to get proper salinity reading. salinity is almost always expressed as grams of salt per kilogram of water, then converted to a percentage.

so i did some research and got all of the raw data necessary to do this. i did indeed arrive at a number, but i am not sure about my math. here is the raw data.

Water Cure Recipe - .25 teaspoon salt per quart of water

1 quart water = .946 litres
1 litre of water = 1 kilogram of water

1.52 teaspoons = 1 gram (there are 292 grams of salt in one cup)

so, one quart of water equals .946 kilograms (since litres and kilograms are equal in regards to water)

and .25 teaspoons of salt weighs .169 grams (this one i am unsure on, please check my math)

thus .25 teaspoons in a quart of water is equal to .169 grams of salt in .946 kilograms of water.

1 gram = .001 kilogram

so .169 grams = .000169 kilograms

so the Water Cure recipe call for .000169 kg of salt per .946 kilograms water

thus the salinity of the waer cure is far less than one percent, i calculate it at .0002%

how does that look? if anyone is willing to check my math and make any possible corrections, i would love that.



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