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Re: I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?
Ohfor07 Views: 3,318
Published: 19 y
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Re: I did the math on the Water Cure! Corrections?

Assuming the math is right and I have no reason to claim it isn't....just throwin this out there for an interesting topic I don't know much about and am otherwise content to observe others discuss.

Depending on how one looks at these numbers.... for instance, lets say one is inclined to utlize conventional spin a la MSM (not entirely out of the question). As such one could say that the salinity of blood is "close to that of ocean water... how close? well, it's literally within a few percentage points". True statement, 3.5% and .02 % only have 3.3 percentage points separating them.... so a spinster may well opt to frame this as a - it's so close it's within 3 percentage points" scenario.

On the flip side of this reality, one may counter that yes, it's within only a few percentage points but at the same time ocean water is orders of magnitude stronger in salinity than blood.... also a true statement.

The same basic spin has been widely spread in recent years of "got milk?" 1 % skimming madness. From a few years forking manure and pulling teets on a family run dairy farm, I was taught that regular, whole, Vitamin D milk is 3 %, but the Milk Association (whatever the poltico / government regulation body is) prohibits farmers from selling/promoting whole milk as " 3 %".

Ain't spin wonderful?


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