Re: quotes from Dr. Hulda's book
Hello Paint Lady,
I wanted to tell you where I saw the bit about ammonia released by
parasites and removed by ornithine.
If you have Dr. Clark's book "The Cure For All Cancers" I'll reference and quote from page 15, "
parasites produce a great deal of ammonia as their waste product. Ammonia is their equivalent of urine and is set free in our bodies by
parasites in large amounts, Ammonia is very toxic, especially to the brain...By taking ornithine at bedtime, you will sleep better. Arginine has similiar ammonia reduction effects but must be taken in the morning because it gives alertness and energy." In the footnote, "The brain lacks the enzyme ornithine carbamyl-transferase which is essential for making ammonia harmless by changing it into urea."
As far as the dose for ornithine, I found a reference at www.DrClark.Store which says "Take ornithine as needed" during the
parasite cleanse. I don't believe it is intended to be taken everyday unless you have trouble sleeping during this time and during the liver cleanses.
In regard to your thoughts about zapping and the current not penetrating organs and why do it if you have to replace the good bacteria afterwards anyway, I have a few thoughts myself.
The electric pulses do penetrate the whole body including the organs. But Dr. Clark mentiones that sometimes you will have electrical flow (resistance) due to too much PCB and other pollution build up in the body. So you have to remove them from your system, too.
Then there are those ugly parasites that hide within another parasite. Hence, one of the reasons for zapping for 7 minutes on, 21 off, 7 on, 21 off, and 7 on. (Page 15 in "The Cure For All Disease")
How about the parasites hiding inside organs like the liver thats all clogged with stones? That where
Liver Cleanses are fantastic.
About replacing "good bacteria", Dr. Clark also mentions that the good bacteria comes back on its own in about three days so she says unless you sterelize the dairy products you could reinfect yourself. So she says why risk the chance. Let it come back on it's own.
So the question remains, how often should a person zap? On her 21 day program, she recommends to zap everyday until you fell well.
In my case, I'm feel well. But I'm just really beginning to cleanse. I still killing parasites; and until I really cleanse my kidneys, bowel, and liver I'm going to zap.
The current is low enough on the zapper. But one thing that I have considered and I have not heard it mentioned is if a person is poisoned with heavy metals within their systems, this would create a hot spot. It is important to get checked for metals and get them out of your system. This also is an important step for health and well being.
Cutie Pie