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Cutie Pie, or anyone else
cici Views: 2,052
Published: 23 y
This is a reply to # 78,367

Cutie Pie, or anyone else

I'm curious, since you wrote about PCB's, have you any opinion about doing the PCB removal that's in the Cancer cure now? I have been thinking about it since I still have Immune system issues (Sinus infections, frequent flu's/colds) and unless I can catch it the minute it's coming on with echinacea and zapping, I seem to be stuck with it for weeks. The information talks about using ozonated olive oil for I think 3 weeks to remove PCB's from the system. The only thing I'm leary of is those "unknown risks" of possibly overoxidizing (which the Vit E is supposed to stop), and since I don't have Cancer or anything serious, I don't know if the body has other methods of PCB removal when it's in a healthy state. It seems not to from the Dr Clark information.
I'm just wondering if you have any opinions on this? Thanks!


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