quotes from Dr. Hulda's book
Here are some quotes from Dr. Hulda's book *
The Cure For All Diseases *
***Any positively offset frequency kills all bacteria, viruses and
parasites simultaneously given suffecient voltage (5 to 10 volts), duration (seven minutes), and frequency (anything from 10 Hz to 500,000 Hz).
***Zapping does not kill shielded organisms such as those that may be in the middle of your stomach or intestines. The electricity travels along the stomach or intestine wall, not through thier contents.
***No matter what frequency it is set at (within reason) it kills large and small invaders: flukes, roundworms, mites, bacteria, viruses and fungi. It kills them all at once, in 7 minutes, even at 5 volts.
***The zapping current does not reach deep into the eyeball or testicle or bowel contents. It does not reach into your gallstones, or into your living cells where Herpes virus lies latent or candida fungus extends it's fingers. But by zapping 3 times a day for a week or more you can deplete these populations, too, often to zero.
***Although the center of the bowel contents is often unaffected by electric current, which lets bowel bacteria like Shingella, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and
parasite stages survive sometimes it is nearly all sterilized by zapping. This results in considerable shrinkage of the bowel movement. Eliminate remaining
parasites and bacteria with a single dose (2 tsp.) of
Black-Walnut Hull Tincture, Extra Strength
***If you are ill even after zapping it is the toxins at work. Getting rid of them is a major step toward being well.
***The entire purpose of this book is to enable you to diagnose and treat yourself for any disease. You have three new approaches that make this wish a reality: the understanding that only pollution and
parasites make you sick, the quick and inexpensive diagnostic circuit that lets you find which pollutants and parasites they are and the zapper or herbal recipe that kills the parasites.
***Parasites might also come back to your speciially painful place from a few far away places that are hard to reach by your zapper's electrical current. The inside of your eyeball, the testical, theinterior of gallstones, the middle of a tooth abscess or the bowel contents are such places. Your zapper current, because it is high frequency, prefers to "go around" these items, rather than through them. but with repeated zapping, and herbal
parasite treatment, you can decimate them, too, and stop reinfecting the rest of your body.
She states on page 53 that we should find the specific things, parasites, infecting specific organs so that we don't keep reinfecting ourselves. Then she says we could electrocute them all but that wouldn't solve the problem of reinfection. Which is where the Synchronizer comes in. With it you can target specific problem organs and find out what is bothering them.
She goes on to recommend cleaning up your body through the various cleanses so that you don't give places or optimum conditions for the parasites to live. She also recommends recolonizing the bowels with homemade yogurt and buttermilk. And included in her book is a recipie for many healthing things including the
Black-Walnut tincture.
I haven't found the place where she recommends taking the ornithine to reduce the ammonia. If anyone knows where to find this please post so I can read the dosage recommendation.
I also didn't find where it says it doesn't reach inside organs. Could someone please post the book and page for that reference too?
To be honest if it's not going to help my organs I don't see any point of using it.
I'm not trying to be arguementive here I honestly am looking for the answers so that I can do the right thing for myself and my family. I hope all these quotes will encourage anyone who doesn't have her book to purchase one of them. It's like a small detective guide to how to bring health to your own body.
Take care,