Re: please help me identify....PHOTOS
well, i would like to thank all of you who were kind enough to respond to my post. ive been in denial for about a year now, didnt talk about it, didnt want to know anymore about it....hardly thought of it. i was letting these %¤#&!§-s suck the life out of me....i was a mess. but letting my guard down was a terrible mistake,,,,,and all of you who were kind enough to respond to my post, well, i think im feeling a spark of hope again. last night, i emailed the link to my photos to just about every 'tropical disease' doctor in new york......and to most naturopathic physicians in the tri-state area. i included a message........ive gotten 2 phone calls and 4 emails since. one particular doc left a message and seemed eager to speak with me about the photos. in the message he stated that if my photos were real, well, then im infected with at least 5 different %¤#&!§-s.......anyway, my point was that you are absolutely correct, these %¤#&!§-s mutate, change forms,,,,,,AT LEAST 5 different...?????? no way!
i'll see every physician who responds to my email.......hey, one just might know the right cocktail.