Re: please help me identify....PHOTOS
THANX so much........flukes i'm sure of, i even vomit them. they are about 1 inch, plump, red/pinkish, flat bottom with what looked like suction cups, had some sort of tail/fin.....thats what thru me off....i have been to the cdc site and dozens more but i just cant seem to identify which type of fluke. besides tapeworm, i think i have hookworm, entamoeba histolytica and candidiasis. i couldnt even begin to explain my symptoms......wouldnt know where to start. been to soooo many physicians, if that's what you want to call them.....sooo many tests......but what i say to them doesnt matter...they just go around it. i'm seeing a new md now, just got test results 3 days ago..urinalysis found ketone, high specific gravity and protein. now my kidney is f**ked!!!!!! anyway, ive read so much, have notebooks of info, books, etc.....just too much....gets all scrambled......i pretty much stopped......cant handle it. anyway, if you can, i need to know which tests would be have every abdominal symptom listed, i have epstein-barr, excessive mucus, vomit mucus, vomit flukes, pass long stringy worms in stool, mucus in stool, barrets esophagus, low testosterone, infertile, vertigo, faint spells, depression, panic attacks, itching in nose and ears, malabsorption, needle-like pinching, mouth/gums a mess, losing hair, swollen tounge, muscle/joint pains, unexplained lesions...that take months to heal, scaly skin, hearing loss,
Body Odor that ive never had, ,,,,, would be great if you can get me going in the right direction.....thank you soooo much