Jessina, what you describe in your throat is EXACTLY what I had in my nasal passages all the time. (only I had them in smaller version)
When I would light a NEEM stick -- (one of those all natural bug deterrants made with Neem oil that you light with a match and they burn for over an hour) My nose would itch like crazy- and I could feel something sliding around deep in the nasal areas I couldnt reach at.
Peroxide, Sea Salt , Eucalyptus , all cleaned them out of my nasal passages-- and Oregano Oil also killed most of them off.
Now I don't have them anymore- But I still clean out my nasal passages with cotton swabs morning and night- just for maintenance.
If I were you-- besides also taking an herbal dewormer, I would also start taking 2 drops of oregano oil -- swallow it too. Before bed. This will burn and kill any there.