You definitely have a parasitic infection. Western Medicine hides one HUGE fact that's killing us all....that "all infectious agents in humans are parasites. (http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/999282-overview)
A book published by the US Gov't in the early 1900's tells the tale. If you turn to page 285 of this 1929 (Paris) Edition (http://books.google.com/books?id=SKdNAAAAMAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false) I guarantee you will be floored. Staph, Strep, Cancer, Anthrax, Meningitis/Polio(same disease), Tetanus, Gonorrhea, Pneumonia....all
parasites EASILY eradicated through proper diet and supplements. What isn't easily eradicated is the "diseases" they cause after they chew through your brain/muscles/tissue/organ cells and pee/poop out their waste. We use toilets....
parasites use YOU!!! These 'diseases' are what we are all suffering with and dying far too young from.
Roundworms are the most prevalent infection on the planet affecting up to 1/3's the earth's population. Roundworms are "heartworms," and migrate to all organs especially your heart valve. Once this happens you body produces Tartaric Acid(yeast) to kill them. Then "Calcium" goes in to bind ALL foreign infective agents and you get "Calcification" or Atherosclerosis in your hearts. The next big
parasite is Toxoplasma Gondii. This
parasite causes Schizophrenia, BiPolar Disorder,
Depression and sexua| dysfunction. That last part includes sexua| perversion. Here are the links for that intell:
For more detailed info on parasitic disease please see my articles "The Source of ALL Disease" (http://efherne.wordpress.com/2012/05/27/100/ ) and "Countdown to Disorder." (http://efherne.wordpress.com/2012/09/08/countdown-to-disorder/) The 1st explains HOW we've been deceived by Western Medicine hiding this truth, the 2nd gives a timeline of exactly WHEN the US Government began poisoning our food supply allowing lethal toxins and processes to damage ALL food.
JFTR....The Gerson Miracle cures many parasitic infections. Also research
Black-Walnut Oil, Oil of Oregano, Cayenne Peppers, Baking Soda Therapy, Hydrogen Peroxide therapy, Vitamin C Therapy, Betaine, ALL Citrus & fresh Vegetables--->to cure parasitic disease.
Good Luck!!!