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Re: Questions regarding Ozone!
ozoneman Views: 5,659
Published: 19 y
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Re: Questions regarding Ozone!

Hello again

-1) So you're saying that a small Ozone Generator that generates 18 to 25mg/h will do the same job as "shocking" the room with a high output model of 200mg/h or higher? Can the small, low output model be left on 24/7 to keep the air clean?-

Yes it can be left on indefinitely and yes it will eventually do the same job as a larger output unit.You may find you'll have to turn the output down later after the toxins are gone, or lung discomfort may happen, accompanied by coughing, as the lungs quickly shed their toxins.

-2) Is this "Synergy" Ozone gnerator only sold on e-Bay? I can't seem to find it anywhere. You recommended a unit that is *Dual-dialectric Cold Corona* but I'm a tad concerned about the released 'Metal Ions" into the gas stream. I'm also looking at something fast and convenient, lugging an Oxygen Tank around plus the unit itself sounds like it would be aggravating would it not? Also, keep in mind that I'm still at student level and not particularly rich, so $300 to $600 would be the max range for me, unless there are extremely good units you can recommend. As well, can you recommend any good "Cold Plasma" units? Cold Plasma is very intriging to me.-

Here's John's synergy listing on E-bay:
You may also call John at:615-337-8611
I think you misunderstood a little bit of the puzzle here. Dual dialectric cold corona generators have no metals in the gas stream, nor do cold plasma units.The only real difference IMO between generators that have high quality stainless in the gas stream and dual dialectric generators is the fact that only dual dialectric and cold plasma generators should be used for bloodwork because of the necessity for purity. Examples of cold corona machines with quality stainless in the gas stream are the Mini Med, Maxi Med, Synergy,Nature Kleen and Utility Water ozonator. The Enaly units and all of the inexpensive China units have either aluminum or stainless anodes of questionable quality.
Examples of dual dialectric cold corona are the POG (Personal Ozone Generator) from our website, all of Ozone Services' generators, Longevity Resources' generator.
The only cold plasma unit I know of commercially is Dr Saul Pressman's Plasmafire unit. This unit would be way out of your budget, as would Longevity and OS.
I would recommend that you settle on a good air-fed cold corona ozonator for starters for water and oils. If I were you, given your budjet limitations, my choice would be the Nature Kleen. It's build like a tank and very reliable with a very good built-in air pump.

-3) More information regarding the differences and benefits of Air-Fed and Oxygen-Fed units would be very helpful as well.-

As you mentioned, oxygen fed units are more cumbersome and stationary, since an oxygen tank is involved, but the benefits of higher concentrations and purity of ozone make them desirable for home use. They also have far more potential uses. Portable air-fed ozonators on the other hand offer flexibility, portability, ease of use, and useable levels of ozone that will be useful for limited protocols ie ozonating air, water, produce, baths and oils.

hope this helps


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